Thursday, March 05, 2009

Does anybody watch this show?

I was just switching channels on TV and chanced upon iCarly, then I suddenly thought about Living life with Derek and told my mom how much I missed watching it. The next thing I knew, "Living life with derek - wednesdays 8:30 pm on okto" was flashing on TV! (that was like..10 minutes later).

How cool's that? That show's as great as Mr.bean yo 8D

Schnappi das kleine krokodil. (lol)

Highlights of the day:

1) "celebrated" wilson's withdrawal. That's not exactly celebrating, but well, it was a celebration. A cake, a big card and two flowers plus many pictures involved. I've already uploaded most of the pictures from my cam on facebook (link above) so 1A07-ers do add me or something to kope ;D They'll only appear on my blog when I have the time. Mansei!!

2) Went for my first official band practice today, got the fingering charts and practiced on the flute. Stayed on to hear the syf group. I don't know what to say. Basically it was just sectionals on our own today cause Elis was busy, and I managed to play alittle more. Sadly, photog is full...I'm still feeling wonderful about being the 9 % of the population.. -.-

3) was the only person in the study in the morning when the place was still half dark. Yeah I'm slowly turning into an emofreak who likes going everywhere alone, kinda weird since that was the exact thing that I hated not too long ago.


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